Welcome to Open Arms Ministries
A Word from Our Pastors
We would like to welcome you to the Open Arms Ministries website. We pray that in some way, we can minister to your need. No matter what you are faced with, or what you are going through, we KNOW there is a way out. JESUS CHRIST; He IS your answer! He’ll be to your need, what you will allow Him to be. Our goal and vision is to reach the entire city, and the world, with the Gospel. We want to fulfill the great commission given to us by Jesus Christ. We are called to reach out to a hurting, suffering, and dying world.
-Pastors Ken & Bev Geisendorfer
What is our mission?
“To show the strength of the Lord to this generation, and His power to the generation to come.”
~ Psalms 71:18 NKJV ~
Who Are We?
Browse through the history of Open Arms Ministries, meet the OAM family, discover what makes us who we are, and explore the foundation of our Christian faith.
Here you can reconnect with what has been spoken into your heart across our library of recorded messages uploaded every Sunday.
REVIVAL is Here!
See what God has already been doing in the Earth as we quickly approach the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Let’s Stay Connected!
Meet the Web Designer
“Open Arms Ministries has been speaking the Word of the Lord into my life ever since it was established in 1999. So, I pray that in a miraculous way, whether it be through this platform or another, that we are able to reach out and speak that same precious love of Jesus Christ into yours.”
Email: joshw.openarmschurch@gmail.com
Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart, All you who hope in the LORD.
Psalm 31:24